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UD grapples with Trump's ban on immigration

Delaware Public Media

The University of Delaware is trying to calm worries among the school’s faculty and staff over President Trump’s so-called travel ban.


UD President Dennis Assanis sent an email to the campus  community Sunday, explaining how that the school is helping support current and prospective students and professors who are now barred from entering the US.


President Assanis also urged students and faculty not to travel outside the US if they are citizens of the seven nations affected by Mr. Trump’s executive order on immigration.


In the email, Assanis called international students and professors an “integral part of UD’s academic community.” And said the university will work to ensure they remain so, although the email stopped short of explaining how UD will push back against the travel ban.


President Assanis has assigned the university’s Office for International Students and Scholars to handle all questions and concerns about the executive order.

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