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Delaware wants to lead the peloton of bike friendly states

Delaware is currently the nation’s third most bike friendly state, according to the League of American Bicyclists. But state officials aren’t satisfied with that ranking. 


So Delaware’s Department of Transportation is hosting a series of public meetings in late February to find out how it can make the state even more bike friendly.   


The workshops will be opening listening sessions, according to Anthony Aglio, a bicycle planning manager for DelDOT.


“We’re trying to pull people in to ask them why they aren’t bicycling, what do they like about bicycling, how can we make it better for them?” he said.  


The state has also created an online survey to learn about people’s cycling priorities.


“Is it safety, is it convenience, is it access to schools?” Aglio said. 


DelDOT will use the input from the meetings and surveys to determine if they should be building more bike lanes, trails or safe routes to schools. 


DelDOT will present a draft plan in another round of public meetings this fall. And then will use that input to craft a final plan to be released in early 2018. 


Delaware has has made great strides in becoming more accommodating to cyclists.


In 2008, The League of American Bicyclists ranked Delaware as the 31st most bike friendly state. The state is currently ranked third. But it will never make it to first if it doesn't get more people riding bikes.


“We’ve built a lot of great things, we’ve had a lot of legislation passed. We’ve started to work with our enforcement agencies to get people to ride the right way. We just need to get more people biking,” Aglio said.


Public Meetings:


4 p.m. – 7 p.m., Feb. 22, Sussex County Council Chambers (2 The Circle, Georgetown, DE 19947)


4 p.m. – 7 p.m., Feb. 27, Middletown High School Commons (120 Silver Lake Rd, Middletown, DE 19709)


4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Feb. 28, Dover Public Library (35 East Loockerman St, Dover, DE 19901)


4 p.m. – 7 p.m., March 1, Wilmington Public Library (10 East 10th St, Wilmington, DE 19801)



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